This Sunday an announcement will be made in our four morning worship services that someone is projected to be appointed as "Minister of Nurture" at First Broad Street (I don't want to steal any one's thunder, so you'll just have to show up to find out who). Since I am currently the "Minister of Nurture" and I don't share my office space very well, that means that I am projected to move somewhere else.
This is not a surprise for me. I have know since November that I would be moving. I asked to move. That sounds so matter of fact, but in reality it was a grueling decision. I have been a part of the ministry at First Broad Street for 5 years --the longest any church has ever kept me. FBS is a special place for me and my family. Max was added to our family during our time here and I will never forget the outpouring of prayer and support as we navigated the seemingly endless red tape of our adoption. I originally told the D.S. that I would stay another year, but after two weeks of reflecting upon this decision, I felt God was nudging me to new things.
I didn't have much to do this past Sunday, having just returned from Brazil. As I looked out over the congregations at 8:30 Contemporary and 10:45, I remembered the special times we have had. Some have already caught wind of the change and approached me with thoughts of support and love. Thank you for 5 fantastic and wonderful years!
BIT: But ... I'm not done yet!!! No lame duck here!! There is much to do! We have a new Contemporary Worship Service to kick off on March 30th. Everything is coming together. Jenny Rogers will be announced as our Interim Director of Contemporary Worship this Sunday. She has hit the ground running. I will be working with our new Minister of Nurture to get him off the ground. And so much more ... So good bye will have to wait for a while. Let us carry on ...