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What Are You Giving Up? |
Pastor Families (families where there is a pastor or other church leader employee) sometimes have rather unique conversations. One of those took place on Thursday evening after our Ash Wednesday Worship Service. It was during dinner and our oldest turned the conversation to what we were giving up for Lent. I chimed in that sometimes it's not so much what you're giving up, but what you're doing to be a better follower of Jesus (I may have a bias about giving things up). What are you doing to grow closer in your relationship with Jesus during Lent?
There was silence ... and then we went right back to "What are you giving up?" [This happens often when dad comes out with some whacked idea ... everyone knows that Lent is about giving things up]. So, my better half asked the kids what they were giving up for Lent (she's good at turning questions around ... in a good, for the betterment of society, sort of way).
BIT: Then our oldest announced that he was giving up trapping for Lent. Despite finding it incredibly disturbing, my oldest enjoys trapping squirrels in the backyard. Yes, he has a trap that he bought with his Christmas money. He baits it with pecans, catches squirrels, and then (TMI - the following has been censored, again it's a pastor thing). I was elated with this decision, so I know Jesus was as well. Our youngest then announced that he was giving up playing with Lego bricks. My better half warned about how difficult it was going to be to give up something that you love so much.
BITTER: The question had only been diverted for a short while, the oldest tried for the third time, "So, what are you all giving up for Lent?" Last year I did fast on Thursdays and was successful (I did have to break the fast on one Thursday due to sickness, but that doesn't count ... does it?). I had decided to give something up for Lent this year, but had really not wanted to share it. After some thought, I decided that we are all family and we are all in this together, so I announced that I was giving up (TMI - I don't know who all is reading this, so you're on your own). To which my better half announced that, "There is no way you're going to make it 40 days!" To which I responded with "WOW! So what are you giving up?" She then thought for a while and said that she was giving up (Really, you thought I was going to share ... I've learned some things about this blogging about the better half). To which I responded ... I think I just laughed, because we both know that's not going to happen.
BITTEREST: Our oldest is doing well so far. Despite his love for trapping, varmints run freely and unobstructed through our backyard. I've done well, so far. Our youngest has already climbed up to retrieve the Lego bricks from the top of the refrigerator (where they "wouldn't be a temptation"). As for my better half ... Sunday's are a freebie day ... right? A Resurrection in the midst of Lent? Let's go with that ...
It is difficult to give up something you truly enjoy, even with the best of intentions.
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