In the melee, as I was trying to decipher the Shop Boyz and realizing that it was the Kidz Bop Kids (which must be somewhat closer to Jesus), It hit me that the Shop Boyz/Kidz Bop Kids were inviting people to "Party Like a Rock Star" (especially since it is repeated 70x7 times).

We at First Farragut have just finished our 3rd in the series of "It's God's Party: You're Invited". These have been some really fun worship services as we have looked at how God invites us to God's party. We've celebrated resurrection with our All Saints Service, we've celebrated deliverance as we looked at the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks, and the Festival of Booths (which I changed to Tabernacles after someone questioned me about the Festival of Boobs) in the Old Testament, and we've celebrated abundance as we looked at Jesus attending a wedding party that became God's Party when Jesus turned the water into wine. This Sunday we finish up our series with looking at God's invitation to the Kingdom Party in Matthew 22.
So often we get caught up in the crazy going on all around us that we forget that Jesus wants us to have a good time (life more abundant is the way, I think, he put it). And Jesus had a good time. Look at how many times we have stories about Jesus sitting down with people around food -- it was a party. November has been a great experience of celebration at First Farragut! As we prepare for Thanksgiving, make sure you step outside the melee that is this season (or better yet allow your melee to be transformed into something holy) and celebrate the source of your resurrection, deliverance, and abundance.
BIT: It's God's Party! You're Invited to Party Like THE Rock. Totally Dude.
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