Yes, I know it has been an incredibly long time since I blogged. So, I'll try to catch everyone up. Tomorrow is Moving Day! I know what you're thinking ... you've been in Knoxville for over a month, wasn't moving day back in June? Well, yes and no. We moved to Knoxville in June but we didn't MOVE to Knoxville in June. We (2 kids, a wife, and a dog) have been living in a motor home for almost two months. (I cannot adequately describe this experience, but imagine what ever you can to the theme song from Deliverance). Gincy can describe it, but [WARNING] it has a rating.
Deliverance is what we hope to have tomorrow as we move into our three bedroom apartment in Lanesborough -- imagine "O Happy Day" theme song!
BIT: It will be a busy day, but at the end of it I know that I'll have a real shower (or ... I can hardly say it out loud ... a bath!)