Today we have finished our fourth day of VBS. There was some rockin' the dock (Crocodile Dock, that is)! Only one more day and then our worship spectacular on Sunday. Both worship services will be led by our children and we'll be singing VBS songs!
BIT: Yesterday I was Mary Lin (no, she is not a Biblical Character [a character, yes, just not Biblical {even though she knows her Bible, because she is a Sunday School teacher}]) I wanted to avoid confusion with being Pharaoh on Tuesday -- a Biblical Character. Even though I played Pharaoh on Tuesday, some of the kids are still booing me on Thursday. Move on already. Oh, yes, I was Mary ... Mary works in the tech loft and in honor of doing hardly anything, because Matt Benson is incredible with tech, I compiled a video (yes, you may oh and ah) of some of my favorite pictures so far (they all wouldn't fit). Enjoy.