This Sunday the First Farragut Family will celebrate a number of things. First it is the culmination of our Power of One Worship Series. We've covered the Power of having One Spirit that gives us our identity, sets us on a mission, and gives us the means to accomplish that mission. We've covered the Power of having One Mind, the mind of Christ, and how we serve with humility. We've covered the Power of having One Heart and testing where our treasure is ("For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"). This Sunday we will look at the Power of One Body.
The Second thing we will celebrate is that this Sunday is "Celebration Sunday" for our annual stewardship campaign. Everyone is invited to bring their estimate of giving card (or pick one up at worship this Sunday) and prayerfully fill it out. The challenge we shared on Sunday was to either take a step toward tithing (add a percentage increase from your income) or to tithe (give 10% of your income to First Farragut Church). I want to add another challenge that I did not share on Sunday, but I will share this Sunday. Even if you feel uncomfortable making an estimate of your giving, I challenge you to go ahead and put down a minimum you will give. By turning in a card you are saying to God, "I embrace the power of one to make a difference at First Farragut."
We will celebrate this Sunday the amazing impact that First Farragut Church is having on our community. As the community of God, our mission is to make God appear. We are the body of Christ. Our hands are his gentle hands, our words are his words of forgiveness and encouragement, and our eyes are the eyes of compassion.
May our extravagant love for God overflow today (and this Sunday, and for always) into extravagant generosity and thereby strengthen the body of Christ here and around the world!
BIT: We'll also celebrate World Communion Sunday!