On Sunday, I challenged the congregation at First Farragut to a 50 day period of prayer and fasting. I thought that perhaps 20 people would commit to praying daily for our church -- people, staff, pastor, leaders. And, maybe 10 would commit to fasting. What a surprise to have over 30 people who have already committed to praying and over 30 who will be fasting!
This week as I have been praying, I've celebrated this outpouring of spiritual centering. One of the things that came to me on Monday while I was doing my centering prayer was that for some of these people (over 30! WOW!) through their daily prayer and weekly fasting, there will be an in box overload. Like going on vacation and coming back to get caught up on a deluge of email messages, some may have not been checking their in box from God. I believe that God is going to have some really great messages for these over 30 people!
BIT: PLEASE SHARE YOUR REVELATIONS! What is God sharing with you? Whether it's a single message or a deluge of email love from God, please let me know. You can either email me privately or share through a public comment to this blog. I'm looking forward...
BITTER: I'm pumped about my first day of fasting (tomorrow). What a surprise when my 9-year old came home today from shcool and asked what was for dinner. It was shrimp, rice and Sautéed cabbage. He said, "well, I'll have to fast tomorrow because that smells so good." He wasn't part of my over 30! Happy Fasting (and Praying). Check that In Box!