Last night we officially kicked off the Advent Season with the "Hanging of the Greens" Service. The United Methodist Men placed luminaries around the entrances to the building and many choirs and groups sang and played during the service. One of the songs that the children sang was "Hodie! It's Christmas Time" which of course begs the question what is Hodie? I looked it up (which I should not have had to do with serveral years of Latin). Hodie can be translated "today, at present, still even now, at once."
BIT: I was thinking, we might translate it "Ready or Not! It's Christmas Time". I hope you're ready. If you were at the service last night (and there were a bunch), I know you got started off well.

ANOTHER BIT: Someone was asking what kind of "greens" we were hanging -- the response of course is ever greens. But if we ever wanted to change, I would suggest Turnip ... Hodie!
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