I got home yesterday from a trip to West Knoxville (for those who are still in denial I'll just leave it at that) to discover a conspiracy afoot. I've had a feeling that people are up to no good for some time. Phone calls from people who don't usually call the house ... and they want to talk to my wife Gincy. People being especially nice. Plans for a "celebration" of my ministry at FBS on Wednesday, May 28.
There's a word for a constant feeling that people are out to get you. I have that feeling!!! But, I also remember a poster that hung in one of my high school class rooms that read, "Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They're Not Out To Get You."
For me, my conspiracy theory was proved correct when I arrived home yesterday to find my wife just "looking through some old photographs." Again my mind ran through the question, "how often does Gincy look through old photographs?" The answer is NEVER! And my mind ran to those pictures of me that are less than flattering. Those pictures that would never be used for a "celebration" but more for a blazing "roast".
BIT: So I offer this picture of me from a 1995 youth mission trip. That's a good "celebration" picture (if it is a little old). Also, I know the staff usually has a "going away" time for one who is leaving at a staff lunch. They also usually ask the person who is leaving if they want such a celebration. I don't know of any plans, but I also know ... NO ONE HAS ASKED ME IF I WANT ONE! (PARANOIA)
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