So, as we have reached "11 more days" on our countdown ... I realized yesterday as I preached my next to the last sermon, that I'm going to miss my pub table. I can put my notes, the slide remote, and my giant coffee mug on it and nothing falls off. It's high enough that I can read what I've typed (yes it is in 16 point but I refuse to wear glasses until I'm 40, which is ... on down the road).
BIT: I had hoped to be at the church when the pub table arrived. As it turned out, it arrived on a Friday when I was off. Tammy, our Baptist Receptionist [she is a great person and I only mention that she is Baptist because it makes this story more humorous], was the one who signed for the pub table when it arrived. She called me at home to find out where I wanted the building staff to put it. I could tell she was a bit confused (what on earth does a church need a pub table for?). When I told her that it was for Contemporary Worship, I believe she said something about us being "crazy Methodists". That's better than what most would have said, "Those crazy Contemporary Folk!"
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