13 June 2008

One Last

Yes, I know I said I was looking forward (and not backward)!! But, at Annual Conference this year the organist was Louise Ammons. She is incredible!!! I will miss her organ voluntaries at First Broad Street, especially her Bach ones. There's nothing better than a Bach Organ Voluntary! But she is also quite the adventuresome one. Who would take the associate pastor, his wife, and two kids to the Country Club? Thanks Louise!!! I understand that First Farragut is in the market for a new accompanist. I wonder if Louise is in the market to move for half her salary?

07 June 2008

A Different Buffett (Buffet!)

Last night we ate at one of those 120 item Buffets -- this one was close to where we are staying at PirateLand. I knew we were in the right place when we walked in and there was a live mermaid on a rock surrounded by water. Above her was live music and they were playing Jimmy Buffett. Buffett, a Buffet, and a Mermaid!

Kile was with me ... Max with Gincy. As Kile and I approach the Buffet, he started picking items I didn' think were good selections. I tried to explain what they were, but he is headstrong and so I thought this would be an excellent teaching moment. So ... Kile got steamed oysters, craw fish (whole of course) and something that looked like a rock and the waitress showed him how to open and scoop out the gross stuff inside. It was beyond description. Before I could show Kile how to eat the craw fish (I don't like them, but I know how) he had it broken in two and had eaten everything! Then he slurped up the oysters and then moved on to the aforementioned rock thing.

Into my mind came the scripture from Leviticus that describes most of what was on the buffet as "an Abomination." And while I like a great BBQ pork ... I was all for the Old Testament Levitical food laws after this buffet experience with Kile. No lesson was learned as he went back for more oysters. Our waiter was in absolute shock when he came for the plates. He said that in all of his years at this restaurant, he'd never seen a kid Kile's age eat what Kile ate.

BIT: Our vacation is over. Tomorrow we head to Lake Junaluska for Annual Conference. Our house in Kingsport will be shown. The countdown to Farragut continues ... we're at 10 days. Today was great as we spent most of the day swimming. Kile & Max have had a great time. It has been wonderful to spend this down time with my family. I know I will get to see some of you at Conference. Looking forward!

05 June 2008


Don't tell my wife (don't worry she reads this), but I've been working on my first sermon at First Farragut while I'm on vacation. Gincy has a strict rule about work and vacation -- they don't mix. She's slacked off some over the years (I like to think of it as mellowing with age) and has allowed me, on occasion, to bring religious books with me on vacation. The work for the sermon has been a poll of pastors who have served First Farragut. I've received information from all of the pastors -- not that there are a whole lot! I'm not telling you any more (this is known as a teaser), you'll just have to show up for the sermon -- First Broad Street folk will have to go to Andrew's first sermon!

I will tell you that my input on the survey has to do with where we ate last night. We went down to Broadway on the Beach and ate dinner at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville. It was great! People on stilts made balloon animals and hats for our kids. They had everyone stand up and participate in a song that is not endorsed by the United Methodist Book of Discipline -- so my description of the evening will stop here. The part that is helpful to the First Farragut folks is what I ordered. It is my answer to the survey for my first Sunday.

BIT: Okay another clue. "I like mine with lettuce and tomato ... (Kile ate my big Kosher Dill).

04 June 2008

Just Add Water

I wasn't sure how Max would do with this beach thing on vacation this year. This is Max's first trip to the beach. Please don't feel sorry for him. Two years ago, right after we returned to the States with him, we went on a two week trip to Eastport, ME and back. Last year Max went to Walt Disney World. He's not been deprived!

I remember Kile's first trip to the beach. He was absolutely overwhelmed and scared out of his mind. Needless to say we didn't spend much time at the beach that year (on our beach vacation!). Even later Kile has never really been into the beach. This year is different for Kile. He's been in the water and hopping the waves. We went and bought him a mini-board and he has used it.

Back to Max. Max has taken to the ocean like he has taken to his bath. He LOVES water. Every time we go to the beach (or the pool, or the lazy river). Max acts like he is insane. He runs around ... in and out of the water ... stomps and dances in the water ... screams the whole time. It is so hilarious to watch. Especially as people walk along the beach and see this crazed 3-year-old acting so weird. I kid you not, a couple actually turned around and headed the other direction after spotting Max -- I believe they thought it was contagious! (They looked like they needed to catch it!)
Kile, while still liking the beach is so much more comfortable with the fishing pole. Gincy loves to sit in a chair by the water, any water ... and soak up the sun. (Note: she burned the first day, ouch!) I'm not so much into the sun. I burn very easily. I sometimes look like a vampire -- hat on, sunglasses, fully clothed with towels wrapped around me. But, give me some water and a good book and there I am.

BIT: I guess you could say: Brewster's -- Just Add Water -- one dances on the waves, one contemplates life & fishing, one is the sun goddess, one is under the umbrella (sing it with me, "umbrella .... ella, ellla, ella"). Hope you all have a vacation as great as ours.

BITTER: Yesterday we received a call that Gincy's uncle -- Joe -- had died of a massive heart attack. Please keep Gincy and her family, especially her aunt Judy in your prayers -- they had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and Uncle Joe had just tunred 70 last week. It was quite a shock. Gincy will go and spend some time with her family when we return.

02 June 2008


Today is Gincy and my 12th wedding anniversary. I don't believe she remembered, but I didn't catch on until breakfast this morning. We had started off on our long, long, long, trip to Myrtle Beach, SC. We stopped at McDonald's (Max's favorite) for some coffee and some snacks. It donned on me and I handed her my hash brown and said, "Happy Anniversary!" I would have been in trouble except for the aforementioned fact that I don't believe she remembered either. Later she talked to her friend in Kingsport who said that a hash brown for an anniversary present was "really, really bad."

After many hours of driving (did I mention we have a 2 and 8 year old?). We made it to Pirate Land Campground (doesn't that sound romantic?) It was late and we started looking for someplace to eat. I knew it could not be McDonald's after the hash brown thing. Nothing looked good. And, then I saw it. I really didn't know anything about it. It was the Bonefish Grill. Max liked it because it was "where Pirates eat." Note the skeleton of the fish (or as Max calls it -- a sketelon).

It was a great (GREAT) meal. I had the Rhea's Charr (which was some sort of fish that was charred) -- I felt it only destiny since I was still burned from my charring the other night. This charr was Really, Really Great. Gincy had the Tilapia. Our appetizer was the "Bang, Bang Shrimp" (Personally, I always have to order something with the words "bang, bang" in them).

It was a great anniversary dinner if I say so myself.

BIT: I didn't say so myself. Gincy said it was wonderful as well. Happy 12! What do you get someone for their "Baker's Dozen" anniversary? Note: It's got to beat a hash brown!

01 June 2008

A New Countdown

My last everything at First Broad Street is over so I'm no longer counting down the days. I found a picture from our Luau that I could share. Now the countdown is for a new beginning. In 18 days I start a new job at First Farragut in West Knoxville. But as we make this transition there are some things we REALLY want to have fall into place.

First -- our house in Kingsport needs to find a new owner. We've had several nibbles but no one has made that offer (or any offer).

Second -- Gincy needs a job. She had a good interview on this past Friday, but 70 people applied. She was one of five asked in for an interview. She is an incredible teacher, so I know someone is going to be blessed to have her.

Third -- We've got to have a place to stay in Farragut (or nearby). The optimal plan was to sell our house in Kingsport and then buy a house in Farragut ... but since we've not completed "First" we are in a quandry over "Third". Currently our plan is to take a vacation! One of my favorite sayings is, "When the going gets tough, the tough take a vacation." Our temporary plan is to camp in my parents' motorhome. Tonight we are staying at the "Soaring Eagle RV Park" in Lenoir City. Tomorrow -- it's Myrtle Beach!

It was great to run into John & Renni Morris while setting up my sister with babysitting my Jeep Wrangler. Everyone at First Farragut have been so wonderful. I can't wait (Did I mention I was taking a vacation) to get to work!