Last night we ate at one of those 120 item Buffets -- this one was close to where we are staying at PirateLand. I knew we were in the right place when we walked in and there was a live mermaid on a rock surrounded by water. Above her was live music and they were playing Jimmy Buffett. Buffett, a Buffet, and a Mermaid!

Kile was with me ... Max with Gincy. As Kile and I approach the Buffet, he started picking items I didn' think were good selections. I tried to explain what they were, but he is headstrong and so I thought this would be an excellent teaching moment. So ... Kile got steamed oysters, craw fish (whole of course) and something that looked like a rock and the waitress showed him how to open and scoop out the gross stuff inside. It was beyond description. Before I could show Kile how to eat the craw fish (I don't like them, but I know how) he had it broken in two and had eaten everything! Then he slurped up the oysters and then moved on to the aforementioned rock thing.
Into my mind came the scripture from Leviticus that describes most of what was on the buffet as "an Abomination." And while I like a great BBQ pork ... I was all for the Old Testament Levitical food laws after this buffet experience with Kile. No lesson was learned as he went back for more oysters. Our waiter was in absolute shock when he came for the plates. He said that in all of his years at this restaurant, he'd never seen a kid Kile's age eat what Kile ate.

BIT: Our vacation is over. Tomorrow we head to Lake Junaluska for Annual Conference. Our house in Kingsport will be shown. The countdown to Farragut continues ... we're at 10 days. Today was great as we spent most of the day swimming. Kile & Max have had a great time. It has been wonderful to spend this down time with my family. I know I will get to see some of you at Conference. Looking forward!
1 comment:
I didn't learn to like that stuff 'till I was well into my teen years. Until then, if a place served beans 'n' hot dogs I was happy as a clam. Have fun at Conference.
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