And then there was the strange and unusual. We were mesmerized by a hula-hoop act (actually hula-hooping on his knees!) a pogo stick act (with no hands!) a skit with something to do with beavers (I think) a folding demonstration of a fitted sheet, and the parallel parking of a tricycle.
And then there was the shocking. The youth "human dominoes" was ... well, words cannot accurately describe it. But the cake was taken by the "Hog Calling" talent of Marian Lewis. Not only was I shocked that someone from the prestigious Town of Farragut had ever won an award for Hog Calling, but that she had taken First Place, and that she is a Lay Leader of the First Farragut Church. She not only is a Hog Caller, but a teacher of the art. She brought several members up on stage to demonstrate the finer points of Hog Calling. In the end, the gift had been shared with a dozen or so members.
I took pictures to capture the Hog Calling portion of the Follies. But I believe I was laughing so hard that they are a little blurry. But this is proof.
BIT: There is already a groundswell to make sure we have a Second First Farragut Follies. What other hidden talents (or "talents") might emerge!
I was really hoping to dazzle the crowd with my amazing Guitar Hero abilties (see Jill-Marie for details) but I just couldn't get my act together ... guess I have a whole year to practice ...
Sorry I missed it! Everyone I've talked with had a blast!
- Carrie
Looks like you guys jad a great time!
Man, you need to take that first pic and strech it vertically. Looks I could stand to lose a person or two!
It was a great time! I hope we do it again next year!
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