Yes, I know it's the title to our recent worship series and congregational study, but I want to take a little different slant with "enough". Our series was about finding joy and generosity in contentment and simplicity. "What is enough?" was the question we were asking.
Enough means "an adequate quantity" or "as much as necessary". Sometimes it is used in a way that expresses that someone has had more than what is "adequate" or more than what is "necessary." I'm reminded of the movie, "Regarding Henry". The main character, Henry, played by Harrison Ford, suffers a wound that changes his life. He has to relearn everything. One of the things he learns is "an adequate quantity" when his secretary starts adding milk to his cup and says, "say when". Henry is confused about what she is asking him to do and he doesn't say "when" even as he has "an adequate quantity". The milk runs over the side of the cup. His secretary tells him to say "when" when you have "enough".
Later in the movie, Henry discovers that he is not going to be able to continue to work at the law firm where he had become somewhat of a legend. So he says good bye to his bosses and then goes to say good bye to his secretary, Jessica. Jessica asks him, "Mr. Turner what happened?" Henry replies, "Well, I had enough, so I said 'when'."
There are times when we feel like we've had more than enough ... more than what we can process. The challenge is to say "when" with grace and to say "enough" before the milk spills over the side.
BIT: Today I had my second 30 minute fitness session with Colemun. I should have known I was in trouble when one of the first exercises I did was called "surrender." In Literature, I believe this is called foreshadowing. I am sad to say that during the second dreaded "plank", I had had enough. "Grace" would not be the way I would characterize my "when" as I collapsed onto the floor. You would think there would be a break time. A short recess. No. On we went to do something with the name "death" in it. Colemun's idea of a break is a fast lap around the room. I remember during one of those laps praying that we would not do anything else involving my 40 year old arms. As God does with a lot of my prayers ... more arms.
BITTER: After forgoing the recommended stretching, I made my way somewhat dramatically home. Yes, "The Biggest Loser" would have had some really good footage of me trying to pull myself up the stairs to get into our jacuzzi bathtub. [Congregation members, please note that every parsonage or pastor's residence should be outfitted with a jacuzzi tube ... make it happen] And then poured in the "Juicy Pomegranate and Mango Infusions." (It was all VERY manly) All because I didn't know when to say enough. But, I must be making progress. I HAVE to be making progress. Well, at least I'm getting my money's worth.