21 December 2010


All of this talk about filling cups and saying "when", reminded me of one of my favorite scriptures. It is psalm 23. Of course all of psalm 23 is wonderful, but I'm especially fond of verse 5.
You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You welcome me as a guest, anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.
As I think about my family, about my wonderful place of work and worship -- First Farragut -- about my home and community, about the resources God has given to me ... I feel this scripture. The imagery I have: God is pouring wonderful things into my life -- sure there are things that get in the way (enemies), things that get me down and confuse and frustrate me -- but there are so many good things. I'm a welcomed guest at God's table (which really is enough in and of itself). I say to my God "when ... that really is enough". However, God keeps on pouring. My cup overflows with blessings.

BIT: My God is an Extravagant God. Thanks First Farragut for another wonder-filled year. I'm looking forward to serving with you in 2011. I believe God's got some really great things in store for us.

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