26 May 2011

One of Those People

It happened about three months into my "get fit" season. I was having a discussion with someone about my schedule, when it came out ... "You're becoming one of those people." "Those People"? What are "Those People"? I asked for clarification. The response was "Gym People." You know how "those gym people" are? No, please tell me how "those gym people" are. I believe I was just called a fitness freak.

I was offended at the time, but as the fit season continues on, I have had lots of opportunities to see what this person was referring to. "Those People" don't have to be limited to "Gym People", it can be anyone who really gets into something with determination and dedication. When you do something with discipline, intensity, and enthusiasm other people notice. As people (friends, congregation members, family) have noticed that I've become one of "Those People", they've been sharing what they have been doing to lose weight and get fit. Those who've gone through what I have just gone through have shared encouragement.

BIT: As a congregation, First Farragut is studying the Book of Acts in our "Hot Summer in Acts" worship series. No doubt there were those who called the Apostles and their groupies "Those People". Actually, in chapter 2 alone we're told the reaction was "amazed and astonished" (7), "amazed and perplexed" (12), and "awe" (43). Of course there are also those who called "Those People" 9 am drunkards. People noticed that something was going on with these people. They had discipline, determination, dedication ... there was an urgency and an intensity about what they were doing and what they were sharing ... they were enthusiastic ... and people noticed. "And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved." (2:47)

I may be a fitness freak. You have to be pretty freaky or all in to lose 70 pounds in a little over 5 months. People will notice as you go from a size 44 to 33. Some even react with awe. But what I really want to be known for is being a part of "Those People" whose lives are a witness to the loving Savior. And it has happened ... at my gym ... "Hey, aren't you the pastor of that church down the road?" "Yes, Yes, I am!"

BITTER: So, I've actually come to find humor in declaring that I am (probably) "One of Those People." So, in Jeff Foxworthy fashion, I've put together a few things to help you determine if you are "One of Those People"[disclaimer: just because I list these things here does not mean that I've done them (even though I have ... and I apologize)].
  • When out at lunch with co-workers you tell them how many fat grams are in their selection ... You might be "One of Those People"

  • If you refer to your personal trainer like those who've taken Financial Peace University refer to Dave Ramsey (eg. Colemun would not approve of that) ... You might be "One of Those People"

  • If you've ever bought new running shoes by going to a place that has a 7 step Personal FIT Process ... and you've paid well over $100 for a pair of shoes you only do one thing in ... You might be "One of Those People"

  • You go to the gym even when there is a tornado warning for your area while your wife worries at home ... You might be "One of Those People"

  • If you've ever put duct tape over the blisters you got while running so that you can run some more ... You might be "One of Those People"

  • If you've ever researched remedies to nipple chafing ... You might be "One of Those People" (be careful with this research!)

  • If your gym has featured you in a video ... or if the staff know you by name ... that might be a tell-tale sign that you are "One of Those People"

18 May 2011


I had a goal for today. It was to reach my LOVE goal (yes, inspired by Pat Luna our Stepping Stones to the Future consultant ... I can hear her now, "We HOPE to raise this amount. We have FAITH that we will raise this amount. But, we'd LOVE [Alabama style] to raise this amount.").

I started out getting fit and losing weight 22 weeks ago (5 months). When I started the people at The Rush asked me why I wanted to lose weight and what my goal was. The why was pretty evident (I'll blog some before and after pics next week). My hope goal ("I hope to lose") was 50 pounds. As I approached that goal in March, I knew I could do better. I haven't grown taller since high school, so I set my LOVE ("I'd love to lose") goal of being at my high school weight of 177 (that would be a total loss of 70 pounds).

I had a goal for today. It was to reach my Love goal.

BIT: I've had another goal that I've been working on for some time. In 2008, in preparing to come to First Farragut, I started trying to get fit. I was running. As I remembered it, my celebration of greatest number of miles run in an hour was 6. So, I've been trying to reach that same goal 3 years later and at least 50 pounds lighter. I kept wondering why I wasn't able to do it.

Last week I achieved my goal. I ran 6 miles in under an hour (and then two days later I ran an average pace of less than 9 minutes per mile), only to find that my record wasn't what I remembered. (see
http://brewsterbits.blogspot.com/2008/04/5-miles-hour.html). You don't have to take the link ... it was 5 miles an hour. I was working toward a goal that I had already achieved weeks earlier.

We have to set goals in order to work at our mission (purpose). The mission of getting fit and losing weight needs goals. The mission of raising money needs goals. The mission of running needs goals. The mission of the church ... needs goals. I shared with the Charge Conference last year that one of our goals as a church was to have an increase in worship attendance for 2011. I'm excited to say that we are on target to achieve this goal.

Goals challenge us. Paul has a goal that he shared in Philippians 3:10-12: "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the GOAL; but I press on to make it my own."

Goals inspire us. Paul was all about inspiring people through difficult times ... inspiring them toward the goals. "So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest-time, if we do not give up."

BITTER: This morning ... I was one pound shy of reaching my Love goal of losing 70 pounds. So, spiritually "I press on for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus." And I'll press on physically ... maybe Friday ... I'll find Love. BTW: If you see me running in your neighborhood ... Call me FLASH!

11 May 2011


There's been a lot of buzz around First Farragut about power this week. I have been trying to be intentional about finding the OMG in my preaching (see OMG blog for more info http://brewsterbits.blogspot.com/2011/03/omg.html). We have started a long worship series in the book of Acts called "Hot Summer in Acts" (I knew when I titled it I was setting us up for some really hot weather this summer, but it was 89 at my house yesterday). Sunday was the first part of the Pentecost story, Acts 2:1-13. My question of reflection was the promised power came, but for what ... the power to do what?

This weekend we got to spend time with our mothers in Cleveland and Hixson, and we got to see the tornado damage in person. It was quite extensive. We visited a business that had lost power for 5 days. In worship on May 1 we had many family members from Alabama who came up here to visit with their families because they had no power and it would be days or weeks before it was restored. We've got to have power to run our homes and fuel our cars.

But what about the Church? My point (actually two points) was that the Church needs power ... Power to be a People and Power to Proclaim. There are so many needs just in our community, and when we broaden the scope to the needs of the world ... we can easily feel powerless. Acts tells us differently. God tells us differently. Jesus tells us differently. The Holy Spirit tells us differently. The church tells us differently. We are not powerless. The needs can be met, are being met, and will continue to be met as we open ourselves to the power of the Holy Spirit. Power to fulfill our mission as We Love Jesus Christ, We Love Each Other, and We Serve. (That was the OMG moment for me).

BIT: To highlight my OMG moment, the Holy Spirit lead me to a song (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). It was "The Power" by Snap. So, I ended the sermon by rapping (as best I could) the lyrics to the song:
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda hectic
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda hectic
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda hectic
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda hectic

and then with a creative burst, the lyrics go:
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda heavy
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda heavy
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda heavy
It's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda heavy

And then ...

I've got the power! (yes, I sang it ... and sang it soprano). And then I got carried away (some would argue I got carried away right before the rapping). I was dancing (90's style) ... I know, I wouldn't have believed it either ... but there is video (that if posted will lead to serious repercussions).

I couldn't leave the congregation hanging ... so they got to chime in as well. I've got the power ... You've got the power ... We've got the power.

It was Pentecost in Easter at First Farragut!

BITTER: What is before us is not going to be easy. And things are definitely gettin' kinda hectic and heavy with storm devastation, broken lives, broken relationships, hopelessness, poverty, disease, and famine. We need power. The Good News is ... God knows we need the power ... and God gives the Power of the Holy Spirit to us (Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you ...").

02 May 2011

Stayin' Alive

I'm a pretty routine kind of guy. I like structure and schedules. I enjoy the Christian year ... Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter. It flows, and it is predictable. It causes me stress when my structured, predictable schedule is interrupted. Of course I'm in the wrong vocation ... interruptions happen frequently.

Such was the case this past Wednesday. My day was going as planned. I had my list of things to do and was well into checking them off. Then the call came (interruption). I would have to come and pick up the boys because they were going to dismiss school a little early and there would not be after school care. I looked at my schedule and realized that I could still pull off my 3:00 appointment with my trainer at the gym and their kid care started at 3:00 ... it's magic!

I picked up my youngest at the primary school ... ran home and changed into my gym clothes ... ran back and got into the line for the intermediate school ... they let out just in time for me to pick up my oldest ... and get to the gym. Since I didn't have to change and was running short on time, I decided to leave my cell phone and wallet in the car. I was stressed, but I was going to work it off ... life was good.

My first inkling that I had made an unwise decision was near the end of my workout as I looked out the window and commented to my trainer, "Wow it looks like it's 8:00 at night". Workout over ... gather up kids ... it's beginning to rain ... get into car ... pick up cell phone ... all kinds of missed calls, messages, and texts. Almost all from my wife ... wondering where we are. Since I'm driving, I don't call or text her ... I'll be home in just a couple of minutes [btw, this was another unwise decision]. I have the radio on and now realize that Knoxville has gone into DEFCON 1 while I have been working out at the gym.

I pull in the driveway and I am met at the door by my beautiful wife, who calmly and lovingly shares her feelings with me ... about my decision to pick up the kids and take them to the gym during a tornado warning ... about how she had canceled her dental appointment in order to rush home to check on her family.

I looked up the word "moron" to make sure she had not used it in a politically incorrect manner. It fit. "A person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment." I was a moron. I had lacked good judgment in trying to keep to the schedule and not allow something to alter me or my plans.

BIT: Well the storms came and the Brewster's spent a great deal of time wisely hunkered down in a closet. The hail was huge and powerful and scary ... and destructive. I facebooked on Thursday after the storm, "Thinking of planting some flowers tomorrow ... around my mutilated bushes ... under my stripped trees ... in front of my pocked house ... beside my two dented cars ... a sign of hope?" We did just that. The pictures are before and after (I know I won't be going into the landscape business).

BITTER: Reflecting back on the high of Easter Sunday to the low of Wednesday and back to a high this past Sunday as we celebrated Confirmation Sunday, I can't help but hear the Bee Gees singing:

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', people,
Stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive.

Of course in my reflection I'm wearing roller skates and there is a disco ball. Life is full of breakin' and shakin' (and hail and wind and tornadoes). Easter is all about brokenness being transformed into wholeness ... pain and grief meeting hope ... life (and maybe some flowers) being planted in destruction. It's about stayin' alive ... but not just life ... abundant life ... allowing Christ to alter us (so we're not morons).

Rev. Mickey Rainwater shared a scripture in his column last week. It is Romans 2:1-2 (The Message)
"Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you."

So, break out of the routine every now and then ... don't be a moron ... be altered ... plant some flowers (there are a whole lot of people who need some) ... be a sign of hope amidst someone's destruction ... be a witness of God's Abundant Life!