I was offended at the time, but as the fit season continues on, I have had lots of opportunities to see what this person was referring to. "Those People" don't have to be limited to "Gym People", it can be anyone who really gets into something with determination and dedication. When you do something with discipline, intensity, and enthusiasm other people notice. As people (friends, congregation members, family) have noticed that I've become one of "Those People", they've been sharing what they have been doing to lose weight and get fit. Those who've gone through what I have just gone through have shared encouragement.
BIT: As a congregation, First Farragut is studying the Book of Acts in our "Hot Summer in Acts" worship series. No doubt there were those who called the Apostles and their groupies "Those People". Actually, in chapter 2 alone we're told the reaction was "amazed and astonished" (7), "amazed and perplexed" (12), and "awe" (43). Of course there are also those who called "Those People" 9 am drunkards. People noticed that something was going on with these people. They had discipline, determination, dedication ... there was an urgency and an intensity about what they were doing and what they were sharing ... they were enthusiastic ... and people noticed. "And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved." (2:47)
I may be a fitness freak. You have to be pretty freaky or all in to lose 70 pounds in a little over 5 months. People will notice as you go from a size 44 to 33. Some even react with awe. But what I really want to be known for is being a part of "Those People" whose lives are a witness to the loving Savior. And it has happened ... at my gym ... "Hey, aren't you the pastor of that church down the road?" "Yes, Yes, I am!"
BITTER: So, I've actually come to find humor in declaring that I am (probably) "One of Those People." So, in Jeff Foxworthy fashion, I've put together a few things to help you determine if you are "One of Those People"[disclaimer: just because I list these things here does not mean that I've done them (even though I have ... and I apologize)].
- When out at lunch with co-workers you tell them how many fat grams are in their selection ... You might be "One of Those People"
- If you refer to your personal trainer like those who've taken Financial Peace University refer to Dave Ramsey (eg. Colemun would not approve of that) ... You might be "One of Those People"
- If you've ever bought new running shoes by going to a place that has a 7 step Personal FIT Process ... and you've paid well over $100 for a pair of shoes you only do one thing in ... You might be "One of Those People"
- You go to the gym even when there is a tornado warning for your area while your wife worries at home ... You might be "One of Those People"
- If you've ever put duct tape over the blisters you got while running so that you can run some more ... You might be "One of Those People"
- If you've ever researched remedies to nipple chafing ... You might be "One of Those People" (be careful with this research!)
- If your gym has featured you in a video ... or if the staff know you by name ... that might be a tell-tale sign that you are "One of Those People"