20 May 2009

It's All About the Cookies

I know I have not been keeping up with this blog thing. My excuse is that I have been too busy. "Too busy" keeps me from doing a lot of things I need or want to do ... exercise, read more, spend more time with family and friends. So a while back I decided that I was going to claim some blog time and hopefully my "too busy" would slow down. But then I couldn't decide what monumental entry should be the revival piece, so I kept putting it off. Today it hit me. No, it is not a monumental entry with global ramifications. But it is the revival piece.

Today is Pajama day at my 4-year-old's pre-school, except that he didn't want to wear pajamas this morning. Instead, he insisted on wearing jeans and a sleeveless white t-shirt. I was a little hesitant because I know that he goes to a rather upscale school (I'm reminded each month when I write the check and think college tuition would be less). I wasn't sure how this ensemble was going to go over -- jeans and a "wife beater" (that was what was going through my head). But, I thought the dress code might be more lax on pajama day. Besides, who wants to argue with a headstrong 4-year-old at 6:45 in the morning?

At breakfast, he informed me that his teacher had asked him to bring two sticks of butter so that they could make cookies today. Thankfully, we had butter in the frig, so I agreed. Then, after breakfast, he informs me that he has decided that he wants to take "3 eggs and 2 butters" to make cookies today at school. He is not sure his teacher will have enough ingredients to make the cookies.

As I got dressed, he tells me that I should dress like Wolverine today, too -- and asks if I will be making cookies at church. I tell him that I've got to make a hospital visit and attend a retirement lunch and that if I was dressed like Wolverine ... well, everyone would know for sure that I'm crazy.

As I dropped him off this morning with his half-dozen eggs and 4 sticks of butter ... don't ask ... my eye caught the bulletin board where the kids had shared what they love about their school. And there was my 4-year-old's: "I love Nanny's because I love to make cookies."

BIT: So here I sit in my office ... dressed like Wolverine, my feet up on my desk, eating a cookie ...

... in my mind. Here's to "too busy".