30 April 2008

5 Miles An Hour!

No, it doesn't sound real fast, but it was a milestone today. Yes, for the first time in five years I traveled, without assistance, with only my two legs & feet, five miles in only one hour (actually 59 minutes!). As I shared in an earlier post, I have been working at being more active.

Monday's trip to my doctor for my regular 6 month check up was more motivational than inspirational for my new more active lifestyle. I did lose weight -- double digits since my last visit! -- but all the other numbers we have been working on were "elevated" [which reminds me of Christ's Ascension which is celebrated TOMORROW! - I know, strange]!

So, it was back to the "Green Belt" with new intensity this week. I received good news this afternoon that the results from an additional blood test taken on Monday showed that the most critical numbers were back to "not as elevated." Hallelujah!

My next goal is to make it to 6 miles an hour (maybe by moving day: June 18th? - I'm in no hurry).

BIT: As the countdown continues -- we're at 29 days left -- I want to start sharing things I will miss about First Broad Street and Kingsport. Today, I celebrate the Green Belt -- the band of asphalt that almost continuously running from one end of Kingsport to the other. What a wise and beautiful feature! I particularly like the portion that runs alongside Reedy Creek. We will miss our bike rides, picnics, and, oh yes, did I mention 5 miles in one hour! Call me FLASH! (maybe not)

27 April 2008


Someone asked me the other day if I was counting down the days until I leave First Broad Street. I must admit that I really haven't. It wasn't until I was preparing for my sermon for today that I realized that this would be my last sermon in the three mainline traditional services (we have the "liturgical" traditional service in the chapel). I also realized that yesterday was my last wedding (at least scheduled one).

As I mentioned in my sermon this morning (my last Traditional with 4 more Contemporary to go) whether I'm ready or not, the countdown has begun. And so it does. I have 4 more Sundays and 32 calendar days (I get some "vacation" and Annual Conference in June). I have two more Wednesday Night Bible Studies and 4 more Child Center Chapels. I am the clergy on call one more weekend (next weekend) ...

BIT: Thanks so much to my Traditional People (and some Contemporary who skipped their worship this morning) for such a great last service! I love you all (and I mean all!)! By the way, I will tell Andrew that you all LOVE singing from "The Faith We Sing". LOL

26 April 2008

"I'm Going on Ahead"

For the last two Saturday mornings, Kile (my oldest) and I have gone to the "Green Belt" for some running. Actually it's more of a walk/run with the emphasis on walk. I have been running on a regular basis (again with lots of walking). I did make it 4 1/2 miles in under an hour on Thursday (something not accomplished since I arrived in Kingsport)! Those of you in Contemporary know that I've been trying to be more active with the Parish Nurse campaigns of "Walking with Jesus" and "Walking Well". I'm getting there.

Kile and I both get up before my wife and Max. I have to stick to a schedule or everything gets out of wack -- I'm sensitive that way. So, Kile and I have decided to make this our Saturday morning time. Today we had on our running outfits on and both were sporting our ipods (actually Kile had Gincy's because it has the really good 70's music). Last Saturday Kile made it 1 1/4 miles. We were set to break a record.

We set off on our walk/run. I told him that if I ran ahead and happened to get out of sight that I would turn around and come back, and that he shouldn't worry. Shortly into our walk, Kile started running, turned back and said, "I'm going on ahead, don't worry." I couldn't help but smile.

Later when I did catch up, I was running a little bit ahead of him. I don't think he knew that I could hear him -- but I had my ipod turned down so that I could hear him (paranoid). All of a sudden, from behind me, I heard him say, "I love you!" What a great start to the day!

On our way back we stopped to look at several natural wonders -- a mother duck with her 4 ducklings, a tree that had been gnawed on by beavers (go with it!), a beetle being eaten by ants (way cool!), etc. We held hands and walked some more. Kile told me this was the best day ever ...

BIT: As we were stopped looking at the natural wonders Kile told me that "sometimes you have to slow down in order to see the really good stuff." The rest of my day was incredibly crazy - a funeral planning session, a wedding and a funeral. But my philosopher son (I hope he majors in something else!) may have a point. I highly recommend taking a Saturday morning with someone special -- and -- make sure you slow down for the really good stuff.

24 April 2008

I give!

Our house has not been on the market two weeks and already I've had enough. It probably has a lot to do with the amount of work we've had to do in order to get the house ready to show. I WILL NEVER PUT DOWN HARDWOOD FLOORS AGAIN! And, I now have come to the crystal clear realization that I HATE PAINTING!

And so, after nearly two weeks of trying to keep the house immaculate in case someone wanted to see it ... I give. I did the hardwood, I'm working on the painting, but I give on the house cleaning. Tonight we will meet with someone with whom we hope to contract out our house cleaning.

BIT: Sometimes you just have to "know when to fold them." I'm folded!!

22 April 2008


On this Earth Day I was thinking back to our Awesome Confirmation weekend. This past Saturday we gathered out at our Retreat Center for our "Baptism and Reaffirmation of Baptism" Service. It was not the most beautiful of days. It was raining -- a sprinkling -- and I commented to one of the parents that it must be a sign that God liked sprinkling (We celebrated two immersion and one sprinkling Baptism). I don't think they found it as funny as I did (probably former Baptists). [NOTE: I love Baptists! But they don't usually get infant baptism jokes]

The creek that we dam up to create the Baptismal pool is from a natural spring. So despite some warmer weather in the 60's and 70's the creek was COLDDDDD!!!! Clark and I got in and soon were numb. But I couldn't help thinking as each of the Confirmands entered the creek and gasped -- as they continued down into the waist-deep water (actually Clark and I had to pull some) -- as Clark dipped his hand into the water and made the Sign of the Cross on their forehead and said, "Remember your Baptism and Be Thankful". That they would indeed remember this -- the shock of Baptism.

"Remember Your Baptism and
Be Thankful"

I tried to capture this shock in my sermons on Sunday -- from 1 Peter 2:2-10. What a shock it must have been to be reading this wonderful letter. These were ordinary folk -- who had probably been scattered from their homeland -- maybe struggling with self-esteem issues (if not outright struggling with faith) -- and they hear these words of encouragement, "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." I dare say that was something they talked about for a long time -- REMEMBER!

BIT: It was also neat to connect royalty to our Baptismal Service in the creek. As each came to be Baptized or to Remember their Baptism, at the height of the drama of the service, there were all the camera "clicks" coming from the shore as family and friends "captured" the event. You would have thought it was Madonna! And I dare say in God's eyes they were just as royal ... "This is my Beloved ..."

17 April 2008


I've not gotten as much about my mission trip to Brazil on the blog as I had thought. But things have also been more crazy than I anticipated. But I was looking back over my journal from the trip and thought I'd write about our 2nd day -- which was our first actually in Brazil.

We arrived after a 9 hour overnight flight from the U.S. Then we boarded a bus for a 2+ hour trip to Teresopolis, where we would be staying at the Methodist Camp. Pastor Anselmo was our first speaker and he shared about planting new churches. I'm not going to share everything he said, but there were a couple of things that really have stuck with me. One was the quote, "Churches require persistent and hard work, but it is exciting work. You must have a passion for your church. God has called you to make this church happen."

As many who read this know, my family and I are transitioning from Kingsport to Farragut. It is hard to leave a place where you have been passionate, where you have been a part of making church happen. This transition is a hard thing! But I also feel that God has a new calling for my life. It is my belief that God has set into motion the changes necessary to make that calling a reality. In a few weeks Andrew Amodei will be arriving with his family to become the Minister of Nurture at First Broad Street. He is very excited and he is already filled with passion for First Broad Street. You can hear it in his voice. He is ready to help make First Broad Street happen.

Last night I arrived home after my normal 12+ hour Wednesday marathon, which was accented by a nearly hour session of having our family pictures taken for the church directory (I'm going to let your imaginations create the picture). How wonderful to have two letters in the mail from members of First Farragut. They were letters of love, care and support -- anticipating my arrival in June. This morning I received an email from another member. He had read my blog and was still excited about me coming to First Farragut!

My "passion" for First Farragut has grown daily as I have met with their staff and committees. My excitement grows as I receive their prayers of support. Just now as I write this -- God thing! -- a package for Kile and one for Max has arrived at my office from First Farragut! I know that God has called me to help "make this church happen."

BIT: Don't ask me how I started out talking about my mission trip to Brazil and ended with moving to First Farragut. Here's some more pictures! They are from the Methodist Camp at Teresopolis. It was truly a beautiful place.

15 April 2008


Have you ever had one of those looming projects or reports? It was something so huge and daunting that you didn't even know where to begin. We have been working to get our house ready to put on the market. It wasn't that the house was in bad shape, it was that I had started so many smaller projects and had not completed them. So, I had to finish installing the wood floors, finish tiling the counter tops in the kitchen, cut and install the new baseboards, etc. So, it took us a while to even begin the list of "normal" things that had to be tackled ... painting, cleaning, painting, cleaning ...

Yesterday was the day! The papers were signed and the sign went up in the yard. The tour of agents go through the house today. Since this is our first house that we have owned, I must admit it was a little depressing seeing the sign go in the yard. Yes, it was a celebration that we had reached a level of completeness with our projects so that the house could be shown. But, we have had some wonderful experiences in this home. The kids have played pirate on the backyard swing set (aka The Pearl) and they have played pirate in their bedrooms (the beds were the pirate ships) and they have played pirate in the den (the coach) ... We have watched as our blood, sweat, and tears have gone into updating the various rooms. Okay, that's enough of that! We're praying it sells fast and for asking!!!

BIT: As I turned into our subdivision and saw the three signs (not only did it remind me of the Trinity, which I know is weird) but I got a great idea for a reality TV show. The house across the street is for sale, the house next door to us is for sale, and our house is for sale. All by different real estate companies. Wouldn't it be neat to watch a show where the realtors are all competing to sale their house first? I'll have to pitch this to one of the networks. "Real Estate Battles"

10 April 2008

The Office

I watched "The Office" this evening. I don't usually watch it. I watched it once and wasn't all that impressed. So, why try again? No, it wasn't because of the TV ads for this new season. On my visit to that place in West Knoxville earlier this week, I met with a group of people with whom I will shortly be associated in a professional manner. They mentioned their love of this particular television program (I did note that JoAnne likes "The Biggest Loser" too -- what a twist with the TV audience getting to vote for the finalists!!!) So, I watched it again -- gave it a second chance. And, I must admit, that I enjoyed it more this time. No, it's still not in my top 10 programs, but since I liked it more, I'll give it another try. Maybe it's an aquired taste? (Surely it's not a generation gap, being that I am so young and all.)

BIT: I will be leary of people from the office inviting Gincy and me over for a dinner party now! And, hopefully my future office will not be quite so disfunctional. Shout Out to FF Staff (that doesn't date me does it?)

09 April 2008


I got home yesterday from a trip to West Knoxville (for those who are still in denial I'll just leave it at that) to discover a conspiracy afoot. I've had a feeling that people are up to no good for some time. Phone calls from people who don't usually call the house ... and they want to talk to my wife Gincy. People being especially nice. Plans for a "celebration" of my ministry at FBS on Wednesday, May 28.

There's a word for a constant feeling that people are out to get you. I have that feeling!!! But, I also remember a poster that hung in one of my high school class rooms that read, "Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They're Not Out To Get You."

For me, my conspiracy theory was proved correct when I arrived home yesterday to find my wife just "looking through some old photographs." Again my mind ran through the question, "how often does Gincy look through old photographs?" The answer is NEVER! And my mind ran to those pictures of me that are less than flattering. Those pictures that would never be used for a "celebration" but more for a blazing "roast".

BIT: So I offer this picture of me from a 1995 youth mission trip. That's a good "celebration" picture (if it is a little old). Also, I know the staff usually has a "going away" time for one who is leaving at a staff lunch. They also usually ask the person who is leaving if they want such a celebration. I don't know of any plans, but I also know ... NO ONE HAS ASKED ME IF I WANT ONE! (PARANOIA)