12 April 2010

There's Something Wrong with Scooter

I was absolutely in hysterics when I saw this commercial. Then I looked over and saw my "The Unexpected Adventure" book lying on the end table, and it hit me. Not the book, but the thought that so often we go through life -- our Christian Life -- with the attitude of Mr. Hill. "Oh well, I've got my receipt. Surely someone else will come along and save Scooter. Don't worry about it."

First Farragut has started their new worship series "The Unexpected Adventure" where we will be looking at tools that will help us to be used by Christ to "save Scooter." I hope we do get worried about people and become intentional about sharing the Good News and the hope of Easter.

BIT: Oops! Someone forgot to Boost! See ya Sunday for a REAL Boost. Remember, "Put Good In ... Get Good Out!"