21 September 2009

Be the Sizzle

Yesterday we worshiped around the theme "One Mind" in our "Power of One" Stewardship Worship Series/Campaign. It was a great worship experience even if the rain and swine flu kept some away.

This morning as we were getting ready to leave for school. My four-year-old pulled out his bag which he was supposed to fill for homework -- 3 favorite things (yes, I had to suppress the desire to break into song -- "these are a few of my favorite things"). As we scoured the house for the favorite things (without singing), I was reminded again of the Sizzle (I did break down and go to Estelita's on Thursday -- got the fajitas -- and did they sizzle!). The sizzle seems to keep coming up. I saw a McDonald's breakfast commercial yesterday where they challenged us to "Be the Sizzle". So, I want to highlight 3 sizzlers:
  1. David & Marian Lewis who sizzled on Sunday, sharing about their mind-set on giving.
  2. Scott Blazer who sizzled last Sunday, sharing why he said "yes" to being the Stewardship Director this year.
  3. Kathryn Norton who sizzled through making the video this Sunday (and many Sundays), the Power of One Brochure that goes out next week, the video this Sunday.
  4. (it's like the sermon on Sunday, sometimes you get a Brewster Bonus) Mark Veness who said "yes" to being in the video sharing the impact our Teaching/Learning ministry has on his life and the lives of others.

So, I'm looking for sizzlers! What about First Farragut makes you sizzle? Are you sizzling? BE THE SIZZLE!

BIT: My four-year-old put 3 characters from his Spongebob Squarepants Lego set in the bag, I'm sure it was because I wouldn't fit.

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