23 November 2010

We're Social

I've been on Facebook for some time now, at least personally. I must admit I don't do a whole lot with it. I check on friends and wish them a happy birthday (when I don't miss it because I've not been on in a while). Recently, First Farragut started a group page for our children's ministry and Mark has been getting a page for youth. Well, not to be outdone, I decided to get a Facebook page up and running for the church in general. With some help from our 20 something administrative assistant, I was able to get it to work.

I was partly inspired by our new worship series for Advent, "Keepin' it Real: A Life-giving Christmas." The resource we are using had some suggestions for carrying the series into the social media world -- letting people interact with it throughout the week. I decided to give it a try. Hopefully I will be more regular than my blogging. Follow us on Facebook! First Farragut United Methodist Church

BIT: One thing this whole experience has shown me -- I'm either getting old, or everything is getting more complicated. I'm going with complicated.

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