11 May 2008

Pentecostal Power Outage

This evening it happened! For only the second time since we have lived in Kingsport, our family went down stairs into the basement because of weather conditions. The wind had been blowing all afternoon, but this was not out of the ordinary for Pentecost. But it was really blowing!!! I started trying to get the weather channel kind of blowing. With my luck, it wasn't "on the eights" so Kile and I went down stairs, followed by Gincy and Max. As we looked out the storm door, the hail started to bang against the glass and then the power went out.

Soon it was over. The wind was still blowing and the rain was coming down like you wouldn't believe, but I felt it safe to come up. I found that a tree limb had fallen on a power line across the street. But it wasn't until I decided to scrap the special Mother's Day Chimichangas and opt for Pizza! Pizza! from Little Caesars. As I walked out to the car, I looked into our back yard to find the big pine tree had broken off and fallen across our neighbors yard. It was a big Pentecostal storm!

The power went off at around 5:00 p.m. and when I called the recorded voice told me that the plan was to have the power on by 12:00 a.m. WOW! How dependant on electricity are we! As it ended up, the power came back on around 10:00 p.m.

BIT: Every once in a while it might not be such a bad idea to pretend that the power is out. Yes, the children and the wife go crazy (and I must admit it was a bit nerve racking), but it did open us up to new things. Maybe that's what Pentecost is all about. I don't think this big tree will be fixed by our OPEN HOUSE on Sunday. Is it Trinity Sunday? Is there any way I can make this into something Theological? Maybe someone will like the Pine Tree across the backyard look! It's very sheik!

1 comment:

DannyG said...

sell it as pre-cut firewood. Or, a start on a rustic outside dining area, with logs as seating.