16 December 2010


This is a follow up to a recent post. Yesterday I had my first full workout session with my fitness coach, Colemun. This is my new accountability method of getting into shape. A few days ago I had a half session. Most of the time was spent weighing, testing, and setting goals. Then we did some stretching and exercise. After that session I thought, "that's not so bad." Nothing like "The Biggest Loser." I didn't sob, or fall off any machinery in exhaustion, or puke (I feel like if they show it on TV, surely I can talk about it ... but I'll not mention it again).

Yesterday was a different story. I had a thirty minute session and Colemun quickly let me know that I was going to get my money's worth. It was his objective to see how much of a full hour-long session he could fit into 30 minutes. All of it is somewhat of a blur. I do remember Colemun mentioning that I had broken a sweat (everyone loves a smart alec). And 20 seconds into holding what I believe was my 15th plank maneuver he asked me if I had another 10 seconds. I believe I said, "I don't know." His response was, "I'll take that as a yes." It was not a "yes", but I did make it.

In the previous blog entry, I shared the wisdom of a friend -- that sometimes we can't do it on our own. We have to have help to make the changes. My help is that I know there is no way in the world I would push myself to the extent that Colemun pushes me. I would have shortened each exercise to a more comfortable number of repetitions. I definitely would not hold the "plank" anywhere near as long as Colemun makes me hold it. He is my helper, even though his help is painful.

BIT: Sometimes the healing and wholeness can only come through struggle and pain. Today, I can still feel my workout from yesterday. No pain No gain. I should be gaining.

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