15 December 2010

Days of our Lives

Today I'm thinking about the signature phrase from the soap opera, "Days of our Lives". You know it -- say it with me -- "Like sands through the hour glass, so are the Days of our Lives." The reason I'm thinking about this strange topic is that it really hit me today -- so often there is so much we don't know. One of the reasons we don't know is that we don't stop and take the time to figure it out. We allow the days to just fly by and they lack impact.

Our worship series "Keepin' It Real: A Life-giving Christmas has been helping me to keep perspective and to prioritize the "real" things. This past Sunday our congregation "kept it real" as we reached out to so many who are struggling this Christmas through our Community Christmas Dinner. It was one of those days that have impact.

Take time to stop. Figure out (praying really works) what's "real". Allow our "days" to have impact. Happy Holy Days!

BIT: Great "Keepin' It Real" lunch with my PI and two of three Angels ... Charlie.

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