17 December 2007

"Dancin' In The Streets"

Well, I don't know about in the streets (it was way too cold to be dancing anywhere but inside!), but there was dancin' in the aisles on Sunday. The Third Sunday of Advent was celebrated with JOY, JOY, JOY in all four morning worship services.

In Contemporary we actually had dancin'! Over a dozen dancers swirling -- dancers & singers inviting us to "Come and Join the Dance". Which got me to thinking ... (but I'll save that for the Bit) If you missed the fantastic liturgical dancers, they will be leading us in worship next Sunday in the 8:30 Super-Sized Combo Service (that's not exactly what we're calling it). And, they will begin our 3-song Processional at the 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Service.

BIT: Thinking about the liturgical dancers and the invitations we've been reading about from the prophet Isaiah got me to thinking about Martha & The Vandellas ... especially their song, "Dancin' In The Street" I've changed a few of the words to fit our situation, but you tell me, doesn't in fit?

Callin' out around the world
Are you ready for a brand new beat?
Advent's here and the time is right
For dancin' in the aisles
They're dancin' in Chicago
Down in New Orleans
Up in Kings Port City

All we need is music, contemporary music (sorry)
There'll be music everywhere
There'll be swingin', swayin' and organs playin' (forgiven?)
And dancin' in the aisles

Oh, it doesn't matter what you wear
Just as long as you are there
So come on, every guy grab a girl (but think safe sanctuaries!)
Everywhere around the world
There'll be dancin'
They're dancin' in the aisles.

This is an invitation
Across the nation
A chance for the folks to meet ...

Can't you just see the Prophet Isaiah ... no probably not. Have a JOYOUS Advent.

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