20 May 2008

Jack, The Supreme

I remember one of my first experiences at First Broad Street. It was teaching a Wednesday Night Bible Study. I looked up from my notes and there amongst the 40 or so participants were Rev. Spurgeon McCartt (former Senior Pastor of FBS and a former District Superintendent), Rev. Jack Edwards (Senior Pastor of FBS and a former District Superintendent), and Rev. Jack Weikel (former Senior Pastor of Broad Street in Cleveland and a former District Superintendent). I thought to myself (edited version), "What am I doing here!"

When Jack Edwards and Jack Weikel and myself would meet to discuss Pastoral Care issues, we would joke that if the title for Jack Edwards was Senior Pastor then Jack Weikel (who is older) should be Supreme Pastor. My self-designated title was Ass. Pastor, but it never really took off -- they stuck with Minister of Nurture.

The picture that I've included is of the new and improved Nurture Staff at First Broad Street. This particular picture will not be used in the upcoming Church Directory because Jack has a candle sconce coming out of his head.

BIT: I am going to miss Jack Weikel and his fantastic wife Nancy (who worked with our Bereavement Ministry and now works with Retta and Forever Young). They are truly a "power couple" of First Broad Street. They share their love and care and leadership with the Church. I'm going to especially miss Jack's mentoring (he's been there and done that, usually more than once), his wise thoughts (I'll be calling him up to get some of these even if it is long distance), and his wise cracks.

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