19 May 2008

Pub Table

I've been using it for several months now. I saw it done when I went to an Emerging Church Conference in Dallas last Fall. Those of you who attend Contemporary Worship know that we did away with the "pulpit" several years ago (except when one of the other pastors is preaching and then it emerges from the closet). I've experimented with several different preaching techniques over the years, from preaching without anything, to preaching from the Communion Table, to preaching sitting in a chair (most people seemed to like this one the best because it tended to slow me down). But most recently I've become comfortable with the pub table.
So, as we have reached "11 more days" on our countdown ... I realized yesterday as I preached my next to the last sermon, that I'm going to miss my pub table. I can put my notes, the slide remote, and my giant coffee mug on it and nothing falls off. It's high enough that I can read what I've typed (yes it is in 16 point but I refuse to wear glasses until I'm 40, which is ... on down the road).

BIT: I had hoped to be at the church when the pub table arrived. As it turned out, it arrived on a Friday when I was off. Tammy, our Baptist Receptionist [she is a great person and I only mention that she is Baptist because it makes this story more humorous], was the one who signed for the pub table when it arrived. She called me at home to find out where I wanted the building staff to put it. I could tell she was a bit confused (what on earth does a church need a pub table for?). When I told her that it was for Contemporary Worship, I believe she said something about us being "crazy Methodists". That's better than what most would have said, "Those crazy Contemporary Folk!"

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