17 March 2011


This week has been vacation for the Brewster Family. We started out with a weekend with my 40 year old sister in Springfield, TN. We had a great time and great food celebrating her momentous birthday. Then mom and dad in their motor home and us in ours traveled to Destin, FL for 5 days on the beach. Luckily, I didn't burn myself until the third day (this must be some kind of record ... usually I'm a lobster by day 2).

It has been a fantastic week! Great weather! Great food (high marks for the Stefani Hudson recommendation of Fudpuckers -- be careful with the name, but the food and fun was amazing! Great beach! Great camp site -- 200 ft from the ocean! It has been a great and relaxing time for me. Covered up like a vampire ... in my chair ... sitting on the beach ... good book ... I think you can get the picture.

BIT: Sometimes vacations can be hectic and draining. Too much activity. Each morning my better half asks, "What's the plan?" My reply has been, "There is no plan." The only ritual has been running each morning on the beach ... 30 minutes one way ... 30 minutes back ... mostly to atone (a subject we will be covering in our new worship series ... part 2 this Sunday!) for the sins of the previous evening, and continued fasting on Thursdays. So, I am well rested.

Our non-schedule has meant that my two kids have had many opportunities .. pools, beach, shopping, restaurants, bike riding ... so I was reminded how draining a vacation can be when my youngest fell asleep while eating a pop tart -- yes, that is a bite in his mouth ... mid chew.

BITTER: No matter how tired I've ever been ... I've never fallen asleep while eating. Thanks First Farragut for this fantastic time away.

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